Creating custom user groups

The groups feature allows you to extend the capabilities of the pre-defined user roles. Groups can be used as social groups or profile types to control access to various parts of your site or to segment users for ease of communication.

To create or manage user groups:

  1. Log into the site with an admin account.
  2. Click on "Administer Site" in the menu.
  3. In the left menu, click "Users & Groups".
  4. You should now see a page similar to the below. Note that your view will be different depending on your groups.
  5. Next click the "Create Group" button.

  6. Here you can create a name for your group (eg. Social Committee) and settings to control how your group behaves. Use the tooltips to learn more about each option on your website.

  7. After you have created your group, you can now assign users to it. Learn more about assigning users to groups.